Once you have a car, you have high costs in fuel, car maintenance and insurance. Because of the sluggish economy and rising oil prices, you definitely need to save money. Hence, you should extend the life of your car instead of buying a new one. How can you spend a little money maintaining your car while keeping it in a good condition at the same time? Here, I offer you 6 ways to achieve this goal.
1. Check the car's cooling system
Make sure your cooling system works properly. The cooling system failure can even let your engine melt away, which costs you more than one thousand dollars. The simplest way to extend the life of your engine is to flush enough coolant.
2. Take good care of car tires
Tires are one of the most important parts, but they are often overlooked. What need you do if you try to take good care of your car tires? Don't worry. It's very easy. First, keep the tires at a suitable pressure. Second, exchange the position of your tires once every 5,000-8,000 miles even though there is no obvious sign on the tread. In this case, you not only maintain your tires, but also drive safely.
3. Do not short drive frequently
Drive your car more than 10 minutes. If you drive less than 10 minutes, the engine has no chance to heat up. Then there will be water vapors which make the engine rust. What's more, if the oil is diluted by the water vapors, it will have bad impact on lubrication.
4. Do not carry too much
There will be some problems on suspension and brake if you carry too much. And the engine will be damaged and the fuel will be waste. So, when driving out, you shouldn't take a lot of irrelevant things with you. You can remove the luggage racks if you not plan to have a little trip.
5. Get a car cover
Your car becomes beautiful because of the paint. And your car body resists rusting owing to the protection of paint. If you want to keep the paint on your car, you should park your car in a garage or in the shade. If it is not possible for you, you'd better get a car cover for your car. As it is known to us all, the car cover can protect your car from the sun.
6. Regularly change the oil & replace the filter
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Even you know little about car, you ought to regularly change the oil and replace your oil filter. Moreover, other liquids, such as antifreeze, brake and transmission fluid need to replace. This is very necessary for you because they will lose their ability of removing heat, lubricating and resisting rust as the time goes by. Additionally, replacing your air filter is also important. An air filter helps your car breathe easier, and lasts the engine's life. In order to operate smoothly, the engine needs precise mixture of fuel and air. If the air filter is clogged, the fuel cannot run normally. Well, the right way to cut down you budget and extend the life of your engine is to replace your air filter.
If you do those six ways as I say, you will not only extend the life of your car, but also save your money. Only protect the important auto parts can you last your car’s life. You must be overjoyed when you have had a high performance car for lots of years.
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